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At past Swiss Open Data Camps we have already had several applications and visualizations around the theme of “money”, among them the Bern Budget Visualisation. At the next make.opendata.ch hackdays in March 2013 we will focus on the theme of finance, procurement, budgets and material worth in the widest sense.

Data is the so-called oil of the 21st century - with the difference being that every minute there is more data produced at an enormous and growing rate. We are excited to create and take part in these hackdays to explore the mountains of data treasures around, exchange ideas and start-up new applications around new possibilities.

In Bern on Thursday we will have a General Meeting of the Opendata.ch society as well as a podium discussion on the subject of Open Data. On Friday and Saturday the hackdays will take place in Bern and Sierre in parallel – co-organised by University of Bern (Institute of Information Systems) and HEVS Sierre (Institute of Business Information Systems). The event is free and we invite participants or all backgrounds, languages and experience to join us.

  • en/what.1358114301.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/01/13 22:58
  • (external edit)