"on duty" doctors and pharmacy near location
Could be useful to see where are the “on duty” doctors and pharmacy with a simple cross-platform layout (web).
not sure data is available at a canton or swiss level, though.
it would be great to find a great “tank” to fish more raw data :)
here's a nice page concerning Lausanne data:
here's how I see the thing:
1. where am I? (use GPS system)
2. query pharmacy or hospital or doctor in area
3. display on Gmaps or in simple html interface (for older mobile):
3a. relevant near locations
3b. if out of open hours, “on duty” near locations
4. if possible, add info such as tel, etc.
my 5 cents ;)
- no open data found at the moment but still diggin
- A commercial “free” iPhone app was launched > http://www.pharmacity.ch