Medical Time Line


A web page that helps you pinpoint the foods containing potentially allergenic nutrients… and vice versa.

Our starting idea

An apps that collect all your health related events along your life time line. This apps also collects info from open data bases related to your health condition.

Ex. Imagine you develop some food allergy. You record it and you record the food you eat. The apps imports from the open data base the specific ingredients in your food that could cause your allergy and set it on your timeline.

History of the project

Presentation (en français)




Time Line Database Tables Structure

Time Line Table
Start Date End Date Event Event Descr Age at Event Link to Specific Record in external Database (Nutrient, food or Drugs)
User Table
qui date de naissance
Nutrient Table
NDB_No Shrt_Desc NutrDesc Nutr_Val FdGrp_Desc
Product/Food Table
Shrt_Desc NDB_No NutrDesc Nutr_Val FdGrp_Desc

Problems to be solved

MoSCoW classification of features


