===== MatchQuote - Using a foosball table to browse historic soccer games ===== An Internet-connected foosball table like the one built during an IoT Workshop at Hyperlab Basel, detects goals and provides a timestamped timeline of an ongoing game. {{http://media.tumblr.com/00845ca8c2406ccbe9f01dafec143e7b/tumblr_inline_n1ptjz7SIT1szrgrz.jpg}} {{https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3776/12830432004_df3aeb8bc5_z.jpg}} {{https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2873/12830434604_4d2a19f789_z.jpg}} So we thought it might be nice to get quotes of classic games that resemble the current foosball situation, whenever a goal is scored. {{https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5579/14258525474_be82667a8c_z.jpg}} Foosball is usually played to 7 or 10 goals. In order to match the ongoing foosball game to a soccer game we have to slightly change the rules. Our foosball game is played for 9 minutes (a tenth of 90 minutes). We further assume that there's a local team that everybody loves, e.g. FCB in Basel. As it happens, there is a nice JSON dataset of past FCB games denoting which team shot a goal in which minute. We took this data set and calculated the current score of each game for each goal. Then we stored it together with the minute a goal was shot, the home team and opponent name, and the date of the game. Whenever a foosball goal happens, we use the current score to lookup soccer games that had the same score, then check if a goal happened at roughly the same time (scaled by 1/10). Note that we only match a single goal, i.e. the quote relates to the current situation but not the overall timeline. This has the side effect that different games are quoted. {{https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3795/14255484391_2d7014befd_z.jpg}} TODO: integrate quotes into score board Web page. ===== Data ===== * http://datahub.io/dataset/fc-basel/resource/601caa05-f735-420d-81d4-b7ea1d2b9b62 * https://tageswoche.herokuapp.com/fcb/situations * http://datahub.io/dataset/openligadb-football-results * http://www.openligadb.de/Matches/WebserviceLivetest * http://www.openligadb.de/Sports (Liga-Id: 55, Liga-Shortcut: WM2010, Saison: 2010) ===== Code ===== * https://bitbucket.org/tamberg/makeopendata/src/tip/2014/MatchQuote/MatchQuote.cs ===== Team ===== * [[https://twitter.com/andiheer|@andiheer]] * [[https://twitter.com/tamberg|@tamberg]] ===== Links ===== * http://buglabs.tumblr.com/post/78116792759/dweet-io-paired-with-arduino-gives-table-game-a-live * http://james.newtonking.com/json/help/index.html * http://james.newtonking.com/json * http://jsonlint.com/ {{tag>status:concept needs:dev needs:design sport}}