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user:jchevillat [2011/09/28 09:56] jchevillatuser:jchevillat [2012/03/06 00:00] (current) – external edit
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-**☑ Ideator ☐ Field expert ** **Developer ☐ Designer** +**☑ Ideator ☐ Field expert ** **☑ ** **Developer ☐ Designer** 
 Hi, I'm Jérôme Chevillat, a Software Engineer currently working for Cisco. I have been following the whole Open Data movement from very early on but this will be my first hackathon. Hi, I'm Jérôme Chevillat, a Software Engineer currently working for Cisco. I have been following the whole Open Data movement from very early on but this will be my first hackathon.
 ====== Skills ====== ====== Skills ======
  • user/jchevillat.1317196562.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012/03/06 00:00
  • (external edit)