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sandbox:glam_ch [2017/07/24 17:33] – [New arrivals ⭐️] lolegsandbox:glam_ch [2017/07/24 17:40] (current) – [New arrivals ⭐️] loleg
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 This page contains a list of open heritage data from and/or about Switzerland. Feel free to add any further datasets that are in line with the [[|OpenGLAM Principles]]. This page contains a list of open heritage data from and/or about Switzerland. Feel free to add any further datasets that are in line with the [[|OpenGLAM Principles]].
-===== New arrivals ⭐️ =====+=== New arrivals ⭐️ ===
 <html><div style="padding:12px;background-color:#DCDCDC;line-height:1.4;">Datasets which include digital representations of objects (e.g. collections of photos) have been added to Open Knowledge&#039;s <a href="" class="urlextern" title=""  rel="nofollow">Open Collections Portal</a>. – Have a look at <a href=";sort_dir=d" class="urlextern" title=";sort_dir=d"  rel="nofollow">our collection there for the 2016 hackathon</a>.<br/><br/> <html><div style="padding:12px;background-color:#DCDCDC;line-height:1.4;">Datasets which include digital representations of objects (e.g. collections of photos) have been added to Open Knowledge&#039;s <a href="" class="urlextern" title=""  rel="nofollow">Open Collections Portal</a>. – Have a look at <a href=";sort_dir=d" class="urlextern" title=";sort_dir=d"  rel="nofollow">our collection there for the 2016 hackathon</a>.<br/><br/>
-We are already planning for the <a href="/wiki/event:2017-09" class="wikilink1" title="event:2017-09">2017 edition</a> of the Swiss <a href="" class="urlextern" title=""  rel="nofollow">#openGLAM</a> <a href="" class="urlextern" title=""  rel="nofollow">#GLAMhack event</a>, it would be great to hear from institutions with new or shortly upcoming open cultural data releases. Please <a href="" class="urlextern" title=""  rel="nofollow">contact us</a> to appear here.<br/><br/>+We are already planning for the <a href="/wiki/event:2017-09" class="wikilink1" title="event:2017-09">2017 edition</a> of the Swiss <a href="" class="urlextern" title=""  rel="nofollow">#openGLAM</a> <a href="" class="urlextern" title=""  rel="nofollow">#GLAMhack event</a>, it would be great to hear from institutions with new or shortly upcoming open cultural data releases. Please <a href="" class="urlextern" title=""  rel="nofollow">contact us</a> to appear here.</div></html>
-With the exception of several sources under restricted licenses <a href="#restricted">listed here</a>, GLAM datasets are being published under the <a href="">OpenGLAM CH organization on</a>.</div>+====== Open data ======
-<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="ckan-embed-1"></div><script>ck.datasets("#ckan-embed-1","","glam");</script>+With the exception of several sources under restricted licenses [[#exceptions|listed below]], GLAM datasets for the hackathon are being published and promoted under the [[|OpenGLAM CH organization on]]. 
 +<html><a href=""><img src="" width="150" vspace="15"></a> 
 +<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="ckan-embed-1"></div><script>ck.datasets("#ckan-embed-1","",{ fq:       'glam', rows:     100, lang:     'en', jsonp:    true });</script>
 </html> </html>
 +===== Exceptions =====
 +Several sources have somewhat more restricted licensing terms, preventing their publication on, yet still represent very interesting datasets for OpenGLAM projects.
 +=== Images from the Zurich Central Library's Special Collections ===
 +**Zentralbibliothek Zürich**
 +//Chamonix. Traversée de la Mer de Glace. Anonymous artist, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons//
 +In 2013, the Zurich Central Library has made some 100 high resolution scans of single-leaf broadsheets, landscapes, portraits as well as cultural/historical material from its rich special collections available on Wikimedia Commons. 
 +**License:** public domain (images)
 +**Formats:** TIFF / JPEG
 +**Data:** [[ürich|Wikimedia Commons]]
  • sandbox/glam_ch.1500910412.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/07/24 17:33
  • by loleg