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project:swiss_datasets_on_wikidata [2017/09/16 16:08] – more spinsterproject:swiss_datasets_on_wikidata [2017/09/16 16:56] (current) – public art spinster
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 | Entity (portfolio, dossier, document) of the Swiss Federal Archives | [[|Swiss Federal Archives ID]] | - | ... | | Entity (portfolio, dossier, document) of the Swiss Federal Archives | [[|Swiss Federal Archives ID]] | - | ... |
 | Musée d'ethnographie de Genève - online catalogue | [[|MEG ID]] | - | ... | | Musée d'ethnographie de Genève - online catalogue | [[|MEG ID]] | - | ... |
 +| [[|Public art in Zurich]] | - | - | Imported by a volunteer (?) - see [[|basic Wikidata query]] |
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
  • project/swiss_datasets_on_wikidata.1505570906.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/09/16 16:08
  • by spinster