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project:publicdomaingame [2015/02/28 15:49] danibproject:publicdomaingame [2015/05/05 08:38] (current) loleg
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 ===== Public Domain Game ===== ===== Public Domain Game =====
 +{{:project:l1050320.jpg?400|}} {{|}}
-A card game to discover the public domain. 2d barcodes to link physical cards with online examples+A card game to discover the public domain. QR codes link physical cards with data and digitized works published online. This project was started at the 2015 [[event:2015-02|Open Cultural Data Hackathon]].
-===== Data =====+===== Sources =====
-  * Colleced authors:  * [[|Collected authors spreadsheet]] 
 +  * [[|Card generator code]] 
 +<GITHUB joelvogt/cardgame>
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
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   * Mario Purkathofer   * Mario Purkathofer
   * Joël Vogt   * Joël Vogt
 +  * Bruno Schlatter
 +  * [[user:loleg]]
 ===== Links ===== ===== Links =====
-   +{{tag>status:live glam}}
-{{tag>status:concept needs:dev needs:design needs:data glam}}+
  • project/publicdomaingame.1425134993.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/02/28 15:49
  • by danib