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project:opera_tinder [2019/09/06 17:26] – [Team] beat_estermannproject:opera_tinder [2019/09/07 21:34] (current) – removed beat_estermann
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-===== Opera Tinder ===== 
-(screenshots or sketches up here) 
-**Opera Tinder** is an online collaboration platform and social networking site to collectively explore large amounts of opera recordings. It allows users to tag audio sequences with various types of semantics, such as personal preference, emotional reaction, specific musical features, technical issues, etc. 
-Through the analysis of personal preference and/or emotional reaction to specific audio sequences, a characterization of personal listening tastes is made, and people with similar (or very dissimilar) tastes can be matched up. 
-The platform also contains a recommendation system based on preference information or keyword search. 
-**Background:** The Bern University of the Arts has inherited a large collection of about 15'000 hours of bootleg live opera recordings. Most of these recordings are unique, and many individual recordings rather long (up to 3-4 hours), hence the idea of segmenting the recordings so as to allow for  the creation of semantical links between segments to enhance the possibilities of collectively exploring the collection.  
-**Core Idea:** Users engaging in "active" listening leave semantic traces behind that can be used as a resource to guide further exploration of the collection, both by themselves and by third parties. The approach can be used for an entire spectrum of users, ranging from occasional opera listeners, through opera amateurs, to interpretation researchers. The tool can be used as a collaborative tagging platform among research teams or within citizen science settings. By putting the focus on the listeners and their personal reaction to the audio segments, the perspective of analysis can be switched to the user, e.g. by creating typologies or clusterings of listening tastes or by using the approach for match-making in social settings. 
-==== Proof of Concept ==== 
-A first proof of concept shall have the following features: 
-  * ... 
-===== Data ===== 
-  * Metadata: [[|Ehrenreich Collection Database]] 
-  * Audio Files: Digitized audio recordings from the Ehrenreich Collection (currently not available online; many of them presenting copyright issues) 
-==== Documentation ==== 
-* [[|Google Doc with Notes]] 
-===== Team ===== 
-  * Birk Weiberg ([[user:birk]]) 
-  * Dominik Sievi ([[user:dsievi]]) 
-  * Beat Estermann ([[user:beat_estermann]]) 
-  * Pia Viviani ([[user:pia]]) 
-  * Thomas Weibel ([[user:weibelth]]) 
-  * Cédric Sievi 
-  * Kenny Floria ([[user:paulkc]]) 
-{{tag>status:concept needs:dev needs:design topic:glam}} 
  • project/opera_tinder.1567783586.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/09/06 17:26
  • by beat_estermann