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project:medicalhistorycollections [2017/10/06 15:08] – [Medical History Collection] mczartorproject:medicalhistorycollections [2019/04/09 16:02] (current) – [Medical History Collection] mczartor
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 [[front|{{}}]] [[front|{{}}]]
-Finding connections and pathways between book and object collections of the  [[|University Institute for History of Medecine and Public Heatlh]] of the [[|CHUV]].+Finding connections and pathways between book and object collections of the  [[|University Institute for History of Medecine and Public Heatlh]] (Institute of Humanities in Medicine since 2018) of the [[|CHUV]].
 The project started off with data sets concerning two collections: book collection and object collection, both held by the University Institute for History of Medicine and Public Health in Lausanne. They were metadata of the book collection, and metadata plus photographs of object collection. These collections are inventoried in two different databases, the first one accessible online for patrons and the other not. The project started off with data sets concerning two collections: book collection and object collection, both held by the University Institute for History of Medicine and Public Health in Lausanne. They were metadata of the book collection, and metadata plus photographs of object collection. These collections are inventoried in two different databases, the first one accessible online for patrons and the other not.
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 ===== Data ===== ===== Data =====
-  * A small part of the object collection, now available on wikimedia commons. [[|"Institut universitaire d'histoire de la médecine et de la santé publique" @wikimedia commons]] +
-  * A short bibliography of books available at the IUHMSP library, thematically related to the object collection.+
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
  • project/medicalhistorycollections.1507295311.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/10/06 15:08
  • by mczartor