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project:instacare [2012/09/28 14:40] – [Team] vfilipproject:instacare [2019/02/03 21:14] (current) – old revision restored (2013/08/15 22:55) loleg
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 ===== Instacare ===== ===== Instacare =====
-Link to use for editing contenthttp://openetherpad.org/MKBM8JEyam+{{:project:health:instacare_2012-09-29_11_41_18.png?400|}}
-(screenshot)+As citizens we want to have a web mobile solution able to locate our position and display on a map different information on healthcare organisations, filtered through proposed categories, so that we could choose the best destination corresponding to our need easily, quickly and optimaly.
-As citizens we want to have a web mobile solution able to locate our position and display on map different information on healthcare organisms, filtered through proposed categories, so that we could choose the best destination corresponding to our need easily, quickly and optimaly.+For example, we want to be able to select pharmacies and display all the pharmacies in radius of 2 km with a color specifying if they are open or closed. Or getting all the practicians of a specific specialty in the same radius. 
 +Additionally info-services for handicapped persons would be integrated into the app (we have merged the work of another group into a single project). 
 +==== iPhone App - Built during the Hackathon ==== 
 +More info here :  
 +[[https://github.com/FredericJacobs/InstaCare-iphone|InstaCare-iPhone]] - source code in Github 
 +==== Concept interactive ==== 
 +[[http://share.axure.com/JJJYXM/Home___vue_avec_filtre.html|Prototype fait avec axure]] (in progress - ouvrir le lien dans un navigateur de smartphones) 
 +==== Presentation (en français) ==== 
-For example, we want to be able to select pharmacies and display all the pharmacies in a radius of 2 km with a color specifying if they are open or closed. 
-Or getting all the praticians of a specific specialty in the same radius 
 ===== Data ===== ===== Data =====
-  +InstaCare app has been build on top of Foursquare but here are a few interesting links.  
 +  [[http://www.sos-pharmacie.ch/asp/index.asp?Lang=F|Pharmacies de garde]] (scripting needed) 
 +  * [[https://www.pharmageneve.ch/cms/render/live/fr/sites/pharma-geneve/home/acces-public/qui-sommes-nous/liste-des-pharmacies-membres.html|Pharmacies Genève]] (association - liste non exhaustive) 
 +  * [[http://www.pharmapro.ch/fr/N10644/pharmacies-vaud.html|Pharmacies Vaud]] (non exhaustive) 
 +  * [[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x9sakijrlkbmhjo/300HiILs7l|Folder Dropbox]] 
 +Places de parking - Libre 
 +  * [[http://gis.unige.ch/sitg_7_janv_2008/www.sitg.ch/dico/pages/place_parking_handicape.html.html|Place parking handicape]] (unige.ch) 
 +Places de parking - Payant 
 +  * Base: [[project:pmropenfixmap]] 
 +  * [[http://ge.ch/geoportail/metadataws/Publish/5706.html|PLACES DE PARKING POUR HANDICAPES]] 
 +  * [[http://ge.ch/geoportail/metadataws/Publish/4625.html|ETABLISSEMENTS POUR PERSONNES HANDICAPEES]] 
 +  * [[http://ge.ch/geoportail/metadataws/Publish/4622.html|CENTRE D'ACTION SOCIALE ET DE SANTE]] 
 +  * [[http://ge.ch/geoportail/metadataws/Publish/4624.html|IMMEUBLES AVEC ENCADREMENT MEDICO-SOCIAL]] 
 +  * [[http://ge.ch/geoportail/metadataws/Publish/4623.html|ETABLISSEMENTS MEDICO-SOCIAL (EMS)]]
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
 +  * [[http://twitter.com/FredericJacobs | Frederic Jacobs]]
   * [[user:cotting]]   * [[user:cotting]]
   * Fabian Cretton   * Fabian Cretton
   * Liu Zhan   * Liu Zhan
   * [[user:vfilip]]   * [[user:vfilip]]
-===== Links =====+  * [[user:baptiste.jordan]] 
 +  * [[user:lgiannet]]
-  * Access/download/source? +===== Links =====
-  * Blog? Forum thread? +
-  * Tools? +
-  * Existing solutions +
-  - MedAMGe (iPhone app)+
 +  * Similar app: MedAMGe (iPhone)
 +{{tag>status:demo health needs:dev needs:design needs:data needs:expert}}
  • project/instacare.1348836027.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012/09/28 14:40
  • (external edit)