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event:2020-06 [2020/01/16 11:19] – [6th Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon] hashimotovalevent:2020-06 [2021/09/09 16:20] (current) – [Media Coverage] andrea_allemann
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-<b>#GLAMhack 2020</b+ <a href="https://make.opendata.ch/wiki/event:2020-06#projects_challenges">Projects</a> 
 +| <a href="http://make.opendata.ch/wiki/event:2020-06#pre-event_workshops">Pre-Event & Workshops</a> 
 +| <a href="http://make.opendata.ch/wiki/event:2020-06#datasets">Datasets</a>
 | <a href="/wiki/data:glam_ch">Swiss Cultural Data</a> | <a href="/wiki/data:glam_ch">Swiss Cultural Data</a>
 | <a href="/wiki/data:glam">Cultural Data Worldwide</a> | <a href="/wiki/data:glam">Cultural Data Worldwide</a>
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-====== 6th Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon ======+====== 6th Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon - Online Edition======
-The 2020 Edition of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon will take place on 4-6 June. It is hosted by the Swiss Institute for Information Science at the FHGR Chur, in collaboration with the Institute for Multimedia Production. The focus of the GLAMhack will lie on Linked Open Data, Machine Learning, Human-Computer-Interaction and Crowdsourcing. The Thursday will be dedicated to workshops and guided tours, while the main hackathon will take place on the Friday and Saturday. Once again, we are happy to collaborate with Wikimedia CH, infoclio.ch and other members of the Friends of OpenGLAM Network. +The 2020 Edition of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon took place on 5-6 June as an ONLINE hackathonThis edition was virtually hosted by the Swiss Institute for Information Science at the FHGR Chur, in collaboration with the Institute for Multimedia Production. The focus of the GLAMhack was on Linked Open Data, Machine Learning, Human-Computer-Interaction and Crowdsourcing. Once again, we were happy to collaborate with Wikimedia CH, infoclio.ch and other members of the Friends of OpenGLAM Network. 
 **Join us on Facebook or Twitter** **Join us on Facebook or Twitter**
-  * [[https://www.facebook.com/swissculturaldatahackathon/|Facebook]] (Swiss Cultural Data Hackathon)+  * [[https://www.facebook.com/openglamch|Facebook]] (Open GLAM CH)
   * [[https://twitter.com/search?q=%23glamhack%20OR%20%23glamhack2017&src=typd|Twitter]] (Hashtag: #GLAMhack)   * [[https://twitter.com/search?q=%23glamhack%20OR%20%23glamhack2017&src=typd|Twitter]] (Hashtag: #GLAMhack)
-**Share your data in view of the next Open Cultural Data Hackathon**+**SHARE YOUR DATA** in view of the next Open Cultural Data Hackathon 
 +  [[https://glam.opendata.ch/wordpress/files/2020/03/Anleitung-fu%CC%88r-die-Bereitstellung-von-Daten_20200310.pdf|Infosheet for data providers (German)]] 
 +  [[https://glam.opendata.ch/wordpress/files/2020/03/Instructions-mise-a%CC%80-disposition-de-donne%CC%81es_20200310.pdf|Infosheet for data providers (French)]] 
 +You may own yourself cultural data that you are ready to share. Please look at the infosheets and if you have any questions, feel free to contact [[mailto:valerie.hashimoto@openglam.ch|valerie.hashimoto@openglam.ch]]. 
 +{{ :glam:stadt_chur.jpg |}} 
 +View of Chur. Photo by Marketing htwchur, CC BY-SA 4.0, via [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stadt_Chur.jpg|Wikimedia Commons]]. 
 +=====Main focus and format===== 
 +The interlinking of cultural heritage data, the use of structured data as well as crowdsourcing and machine learning are becoming more and more institutionalised in the international GLAM community. This is why the focus of the 2020 and 2021 editions lies on linked open data, machine learning, human-computer-interaction and crowdsourcing.  
 +{{ :glam:focus_glamhack2020.png |}} 
 +=====Projects & Challenges===== 
 +**Video recordings of the final project presentations are available on the [[https://www.infoclio.ch/glamhack20|infoclio.ch website]].** 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/14|1914 in a Timeline]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/1|A Chatbot Challenge]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/20|Art Exhibitions, 1945-2929]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/11|Culture in Time]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/7|Detect Looted Art]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/9|Europa meets Europe]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/8|Extra Moenia]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/10|Georeferencing and linking digitized archival Documents]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/3|GLAMhack Aftermovie]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/2|GLAM Inventory]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/21|Interactive Storytelling Across Generations]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/16|Match with the Mountains]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/19|MountainHunt]]    
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/4|SwissAR]] 
 +   * [[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/17|Swiss Name Chart]] 
 +All GLAMhack 2020 challenges are published on our **[[https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/event/1#top|challenges page]]**. 
 +=====Media Coverage===== 
 +  * [[https://www.igwbs.ch/glamhack-2021-mehr-als-ein-event-fuer-kulturdaten/|Kulturdaten-Event in Chur und online]] (blog article by Lothar Schmitt for the Association of Academic Librarians Switzerland, 15.06.2020) 
 +  * [[https://www.digezz.ch/glamhack-2020-aftermovie/|GLAMhack 2020 | Aftermovie]] (film documentation by Till Minder, Demian Spescha and Oliver Julier, 09.06.2020) 
 +  * [[https://glam.opendata.ch/glamhack-2020-an-online-success/|GLAMhack 2020 – an online success]] (blog article by Valérie Hashimoto, 08.06.2020) 
 +  * [[https://www.suedostschweiz.ch/ereignisse/2020-06-03/inspirationen-fuer-die-schweizer-kulturlandschaft|Inspirationen für die Schweizer Kulturlandschaft]] (article by Andrina Brodbeck in the newspaper "Südostschweiz", 03.06.2020) 
 +Here is a selection of new datasets for the GLAMhack 2020: 
 +**Datasets from the PTT-Archives** 
 +{{:glam:ptt-archiv_p-44-70_fechy_r.jpg?200 |}}The archives of the PTT (Swiss Post and Telecommunication) have prepared three datasets with maps of the public transport services offered by the post, postcards with photos of the "post-auto" and chronicles of Swiss post offices.  
 +**Source:** PPT-Archiv 
 +  * [[https://opendata.swiss/fr/dataset/postkurskarten|maps of public transportation services]] 
 +  * [[https://opendata.swiss/fr/dataset/postauto-postkarten|postcards with "post-auto"]] 
 +  * [[https://opendata.swiss/fr/dataset/metadaten-poststellenchroniken|chronicles of post offices]] 
 +**List of exhibitions with Swiss artists (since 1945)**  
 +This dataset contains an extensive list of art exhibitions from 1945 to 2020. It provides the title of the exhibition, the institution and dates, the names of the participating artists who are edited in the SIKART lexicon, the SIKART-IDs of the exhibitions and artists as well as direct links to the exhibition entries in www.sikart.ch. 
 +**Source:** Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft (SIK-ISEA) 
 +**Data:** [[http://ogdch-abnahme.clients.liip.ch/dataset/ausstellungen-in-sikart-lexikon-1945-2020|opendata.swiss]] 
 +**“The call of the mountains”**  
 +{{:glam:capauliana_belveder_13931.1.jpg?250 |}}  
 +This dataset gathers images (paintings, photographs, postcards) of the mountain landscapes of Canton Graubünden. They illustrate the stories of the first alpinists, of adventure, success and defeats. They witness the development of Graubünden from the 1850’s to 2006. 
 +**[[https://make.opendata.ch/wiki/_media/glam:infosheet_glamhack_capauliana_2020.pdf|Dataset infosheet (in German)]]**  
 +**Source:** Fundaziun Capauliana 
 +**Data:** Due to copyright restrictions, the data will only be available in the context of the hackathon. We hope that using the data for a project will convince the new data provider to identify and publish open contents in the future.  
 +image: Hotel Restaurant Belvédère. Alp Grüm 2189 m ü. M. Blick auf Palügletscher, postcard, 1929, Inv. Nr. 13931 © Fundaziun Capauliana 
 +**“Children’s drawings”** 
 +{{:glam:pestalozzianum_iij_403_003.jpg?100 |}} 
 +This dataset gathers about 300 drawings, which were created by the pupils of a secondary school in Zurich between approx. 1900 and 1911. They show ornaments, plants, animals and architecture in pencil, watercolour or ink.  
 +**[[https://make.opendata.ch/wiki/_media/glam:infosheet_glamhack_pestalozzianum.pdf|Dataset infosheet (German)]]** 
 +**Source:** Stiftung Pestalozzianum 
 +**Data:** Due to copyright restrictions, the data will only be available in the context of the hackathon.  
 +image: Drawing with ornaments, drawn by a girl of age 14, watercolour and ink on paper, 51,1 x 31 cm, 1900-1910, class of Gustav Weber, Zürich, CC-BY-NC, Stiftung Pestalozzianum. 
 +=====Pre-Event & Workshops===== 
 +===Mini Pre-Event / Info Session===  
 +**Thursday, 28 May 2020, 17:30 - 18:30**\\  
 +During this info session, we presented the challenges and datasets that have already been published. We explained the unfolding of the online Hackathon and presented the tools and platforms. \\ 
 +  * {{ :glam:glamhack_2020_info_session.pdf |Presentation slides}} 
 +===Transkribus: Tutorial and Q & A=== 
 +**[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Db-TS7XG8Fc&feature=youtu.be|Watch the Transkribus tutorial by Tobias Hodel (10')]]** 
 +Transkribus ([[https://transkribus.eu/Transkribus/|transkribus.eu]]) is an open software for handwritten text recognition. Developed within project READ (Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents), Transkribus uses deep learning to analyze page layouts and recognizes scripts. Furthermore, the software helps you compute the accuracy of the result and the training of new writing styles on demand. Transkribus is a so-called expert software. Due to its different aptitudes, it's not as intuitive to use as other algorithms. With a little bit of training and an interest in text recognition, everyone can learn to use the software in some hours.\\  
 +For the GLAMhack 2020, the Digital Humanities of the University of Bern provided a video tutorial, demonstrating the software's use and abilities.\\   
 +**Thursday, 4 June 2020, 15:00 - 17:00** \\ 
 +**Q & A Session – Transkribus** \\ 
 +During the Question and Answer Session, Tobias Hodel assisted you and showed further functionalities of Transkribus. 
 +===Input Presentations===  
 +**Tuesday, 2 June 2020, 18:00-19:30 - Presentations**\\ 
 +**«archives at» – Referencing Archival Fonds on Wikidata in a Semi-Automatic Way** by Michael Gasser, Head of Collections and Archives, ETH Library Zurich\\ 
 +  * [[https://vimeo.com/434278906|Video Recording]]  
 +  * [[http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/417823|Link to presentation slides]] 
 +  * [[https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/handle/20.500.11850/393724|Link to "How to Link Your Institution’s Collections to Wikidata? : a short manual to a semi-automatic way of using the “archives at” property (P485)"]] 
 +**"Do You Know More? Crowdsourcing @ the Image Archive, ETH Library Zurich"** by Nicole Graf, Head Image Archive, ETH Library Zurich 
 +   * [[https://vimeo.com/435640384|Video Recording]]  
 +   * [[https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/handle/20.500.11850/417803|Link to presentation slides]] 
 +**Does AI Perform Better? – Metadata Enhancement through Deep Learning** by Christian Stuber and Manuel Kocher, students at Bern University of Applied Sciences 
 +   * [[https://vimeo.com/436379493 |Video Recording]]  
 +   * {{ :glam:metadata_enhancement_throuth_deep_learning.pdf |Presentation slides}} 
 +**Friday, 4 June 2020, 18:00-18:30**\\ 
 +**"Face Recognition"** by Udo Birk, Departement Applied Future Technologies, Institute for Photonics and ICT 
 +   * {{ :glam:glamhack2020_facerecognition.pdf |Presentatin slides}}\\ 
 +**Saturday, 5 June 2020, 16:00-16:30**\\ 
 +**"Connecting Coins Around the Globe - Numismatics and Linked Open Data"** by Dr. Christian Weiss, curator coins & medals, Swiss National Museum 
 +  *[[https://vimeo.com/436425172|Video Recording]]  
 +  *{{ :glam:200606_glamhack2020_lod_in_numismatics.pdf |Presentation slides}} 
 +===Panel on Authority Files and Controlled Vocabularies===  
 +**Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 18:00-19:30 - Panel on Authority Files and Controlled Vocabularies**\\ 
 +The panel participants presented their activities in connection with the publication of authority files and controlled vocabularies as linked open data and shared their future plans in this area. In the ensuing discussion, the panel participants and the members of the audience discussed current challenges and identified areas for coordination and cooperation. 
 +  * Beat Estermann, Bern University of Applied Sciences: **Welcome & Introduction** ([[https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/6OxLKaHMzTpOG4HgxnDAAaclAIbuX6a80SkZqKZemB54GLQ_f9AYbBQEoNGGaLfL?startTime=1591200231000|link to video recording]] / [[https://www.slideshare.net/beatestermann/estermann-panel-on-authority-files-3-june-2020/beatestermann/estermann-panel-on-authority-files-3-june-2020|link to slides (1-6)]]) 
 +  * Nicola Carboni, University of Zurich, Swiss Art Research Infrastructure: **Resources and methodologies gathered by the Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI) for managing, organising and semantifying reference information**, specifically focusing on the current semantic ecosystem (standards, templates and software) for interlinking and presenting cultural data ([[https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/6OxLKaHMzTpOG4HgxnDAAaclAIbuX6a80SkZqKZemB54GLQ_f9AYbBQEoNGGaLfL?startTime=1591200878000|link to video recording]] / {{ :glam:sari_glamhack2020_nc.pdf |link to slides}}) 
 +  * Sarah Amsler, University of Zurich, Swiss Art Research Infrastructure: **Translation of the AAT Art & Architecture Thesaurus**  ([[https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/6OxLKaHMzTpOG4HgxnDAAaclAIbuX6a80SkZqKZemB54GLQ_f9AYbBQEoNGGaLfL?startTime=1591201763000|link to video recording]] / {{ :glam:glamhack2020presentation_sa_20200603_v1.pdf|link to slide}}) 
 +  * Beat Estermann, Bern University of Applied Sciences / Opendata.ch: **Swiss GLAM Inventory on Wikidata**; **Authorities in the Context of the LOD Ecosystem for the Performing Arts** ([[https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/6OxLKaHMzTpOG4HgxnDAAaclAIbuX6a80SkZqKZemB54GLQ_f9AYbBQEoNGGaLfL?startTime=1591202609000|link to video recording]] / [[https://www.slideshare.net/beatestermann/estermann-panel-on-authority-files-3-june-2020/beatestermann/estermann-panel-on-authority-files-3-june-2020|link to slides (7-21)]]) 
 +===Workshops on Topics Related to the Performing Arts=== 
 +**Thursday, 4 June 2020, 14:00 - 16:00**\\  
 +**Workshop - Harmonizing Data Modelling Practices in the Performing Arts**\\  
 +The workshop was intended for representatives of performing arts archives and platforms as well as other people interested in harmonizing data modelling practices in the field of the performing arts at an international level. An overview of existing data models can be found [[https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Performing_arts/Data_structure#Existing_Data_Models_/_Ontologies_outside_Wikidata|here]]. \\  
 +The objective of the workshop was to: \\  
 +1. Provide an overview of existing data models, discuss similarities and differences, identify a common core (~90 minutes) \\  
 +2. Discuss the question of how best to structure the harmonization process (~30 minutes) \\ 
 +[[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKQ7Px8Rfi1dIDPzVdl5JRo-YZNpc9B42Xe9F65XGdo/edit|Workshop documentation]] 
 +**Thursday, 4 June 2020, 17:00 - 19:00** \\   
 +**Workshop – Wikidata & Performing Arts** \\  
 +The workshop was intended for practitioners interested in ingesting performing arts related data in Wikidata or in using data from Wikidata in their applications. For reference, see [[https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Performing_arts|Wikidata Project "Performing Arts"]]. \\ 
 +Tentative Agenda: \\ 
 +1. Round of table: Who has ingested / is planning to ingest what kind of data on Wikidata? \\ 
 +2. Round of table: Who has been using / is intending to use what kind of data from Wikidata? \\ 
 +3. What are the greatest challenges participants experience in the context of Wikidata? (brainstorming / clustering) \\ 
 +4. How are we planning to work together over the coming months? \\ 
 +[[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bqshCqYrjye_FeIQBdN4H6q84n2QbQekKVFoGGHJ4og/edit|Workshop Documentation]]  
 +{{ :glam:1280px-chur_bahnhof_eingang.jpg |}} 
 +Entrance to the railway station in Chur. Photo by Cayambe, CC BY-SA 4.0, via [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chur_Bahnhof_Eingang.jpg|Wikimedia Commons]].
-You may own yourself cultural data that you are ready to share. Please look at these infosheets ([[https://glam.opendata.ch/wordpress/files/2018/05/Anleitung-f%C3%BCr-die-Bereitstellung-von-Daten_20180525.pdf|German]] / [[https://glam.opendata.ch/wordpress/files/2018/06/Instructions-mise-a%CC%80-disposition-de-donne%CC%81es20180601.pdf|French]]) on how to share data. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact [[mailto:beat.estermann@openglam.ch|beat.estermann@openglam.ch]]. 
 =====Organizers===== =====Organizers=====
-These event is organized by the [[http://glam.opendata.ch|OpenGLAM CH Working Group]] of the [[http://opendata.ch|opendata.ch]] association, with contributions from:+These event was organized by the [[http://glam.opendata.ch|OpenGLAM CH Working Group]] of the [[http://opendata.ch|opendata.ch]] association, with contributions from:
 ^ Organization Committee ^^ ^ Organization Committee ^^
 |[[http://opendata.ch|Opendata.ch]]|| |[[http://opendata.ch|Opendata.ch]]||
 +| |Andrea Allemann |
 | |Beat Estermann | | |Beat Estermann |
-| |Valérie Hashimotoproject coordinator |+| |Valérie Hashimoto (project coordinator|
 | |[[user:loleg|Oleg Lavrovsky]] | | |[[user:loleg|Oleg Lavrovsky]] |
 +| |Dominik Sievi (lead dataset team) |
 +| |Birk Weiberg |
 |[[https://www.fhgr.ch/|FHGR Chur]]|| |[[https://www.fhgr.ch/|FHGR Chur]]||
 | |Ivo Macek | | |Ivo Macek |
 | |Michel Pfeiffer | | |Michel Pfeiffer |
 +| |Thomas Weibel |
 |[[https://www.zb.uzh.ch/de/|ZB Zürich]]|| |[[https://www.zb.uzh.ch/de/|ZB Zürich]]||
 | |Lothar Schmitt (lead programme committee)| | |Lothar Schmitt (lead programme committee)|
-| |Dominik Sievi (lead dataset team)| 
 |[[http://opendata.ch|Opendata.ch]] / [[http://www.ub.unibas.ch|Basel University Library]]|| |[[http://opendata.ch|Opendata.ch]] / [[http://www.ub.unibas.ch|Basel University Library]]||
 | |Lionel Walter | | |Lionel Walter |
 |[[https://www.infoclio.ch/|infoclio.ch]]|| |[[https://www.infoclio.ch/|infoclio.ch]]||
 | |Enrico Natale | | |Enrico Natale |
 +| |Jan Baumann |
 +=====Sponsors / Supporting Organizations=====
 +The 2020 GLAMhack was made possible by financial and/or in kind contributions from the [[https://www.fhgr.ch/en/fhgr/applied-future-technologies/swiss-institute-for-information-science-sii/|Swiss Institute for Information Science]] and the [[https://www.fhgr.ch/en/fhgr/applied-future-technologies/institute-for-multimedia-production-imp/|Institute for Multimedia Production]] of the [[https://www.fhgr.ch/|FHGR Chur]], [[https://www.wikimedia.ch/|Wikimedia CH]], the [[https://www.zb.uzh.ch/de/|Central Library Zurich]], [[http://www.infoclio.ch/|infoclio.ch]], the [[https://www.supsi.ch/home.html|SUPSI]], the [[https://www.progetti.interreg-italiasvizzera.eu/it/b/78/gestioneintegrataeolisticadelciclodivitadegliopendata?fbclid=IwAR1QtFA4v3upq9WKlj-Bi8Hccr10Hss84yXt1MdFzv9WsZrSqus8xwjjAAE|GIONCOnDa project]], the [[https://haslerstiftung.ch/en/welcome-to-the-hasler-foundation/|Hasler Foundation]], the [[https://www.chur.ch/|City of Chur]], GKB FORZA and the members of the [[https://glam.opendata.ch/friends-of-openglam/|Friends of OpenGLAM Network]]. We are also happy to have [[https://swissdevjobs.ch/|SwissDev Jobs]] as a communication partner.
 +{{ :glam:glamhack2020_logos_web_2020_06_02.png|}}
  • event/2020-06.1579169981.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/01/16 11:19
  • by hashimotoval