Sportee : find users and places who like the same sports you do.
The way is simple, you are looking a partner… one of the best idea it's to do sport.. but how to find a spot for a specific activities and one appropried partner (age, sexe, level, sociability). Sportee just help you to be sucessfull.
Alexandre Rocha
Célien Devanthéry
Stéphane Levet
Thierry Pilet
Myriam Fehling
Lesly Houndoule
Case Success
It is often difficult for a individual person to find at the right time and the right place to find a partner to play his favorite sport. The challenge of a such application it's:
Data: have access a lot place (infrastructure) and quality information about this place
Membership: offer quicky a possibility for each member to invite his friend with contact list or social newtwork to share this application
Usablity: Offer a very simple and useful application with app (IOS, Android) or responsive design solution (all platform).
Building trust: Give to the sportee the way to trust the infrastructure and the sport partners.
Hackathon goals
Create a database with infrastructure, activities, “sportee's”, sportdating ;
Capture or find a sample for a data set for activities
Create the api to store the data in a db;
Create the logo and the design for the solution
First solution (show a map with activities, select an activity, show the “sportlee” near by this activity and try to make an appointment
Create a IOS Appwebsite and a responsive design solution;
First Screen shots (web developpement)
Second Screen shot (IOS Ap)
Include links to your demo and/or source code.