We try to analyse bibliographical data using big data technology (flink, elasticsearch, metafacture).
Here a first sketch of what we're aiming at:
We use bibliographical metadata:
Swissbib bibliographical data https://www.swissbib.ch/
crossref https://www.crossref.org/
- For prioritizing which of our holdings should be digitized most urgently, I want to know which of our holdings are nowhere else to be found.
- We would like to have a list of all the DVDs in swissbib.
- What is special about the holdings of some library/institution? Profile?
Data analyst:
- I want to get to know better my data. And be faster.
→ e.g. I want to know which records don‘t have any entry for ‚year of publication‘. I want to analyze, if these records should be sent through the merging process of CBS. Therefore I also want to know, if these records contain other ‚relevant‘ fields, defined by CBS (e.g. ISBN, etc.). To analyze the results, a visualization tool might be useful.
Goal: Enrichment. I want to add missing identifiers (e.g. DOIs, ORCID, funder IDs) to the edoc dataset.
→ Match the two datasets by author and title
→ Quality of the matches? (score)
elasticsearch https://www.elastic.co/de/
JAVA based search engine, results exported in JSON
Flink https://flink.apache.org/
open-source stream processing framework
Metafacture https://culturegraph.github.io/, https://github.com/dataramblers/hackathon17/wiki#metafacture
Tool suite for metadata-processing and transformation
Zeppelin https://zeppelin.apache.org/
Visualisation of the results
Data Ramblers Project Wiki https://github.com/dataramblers/hackathon17/wiki