<html><!– Start Navigation –> <table border=“0”> <tr> <td> <img src=“http://glam.opendata.ch/files/2014/05/glam2-200.png” width=“85” /> </td> <td width=“12px”> </td> <td> <b><big><a href=“/wiki/event:2022-11”>#GLAMhack 2022</a></big></b> <br/> <a href=“/wiki/event:2022-11#pre-events_workshops”>Side Programme</a>
</td> </tr> </table> <!– End Navigation –></html>
We are collecting links to data sets here in view of the upcoming Open Cultural Data Hackathon. The list contains links to open data currently available online; please feel free to add any new ones, or flag non-open or missing datasets. There is a separate list of Swiss data sources.